Author: Rusty Dillon

Specializing in the Control & Removal of Bees, Hornets, Wasps, & Yellow Jackets

Child Safely Playing on Playground

Keeping Children Safe from Insect Stings: The Bee Hunter’s Insights

Ensuring Your Children’s Safety Children’s safety is a top priority for parents, and one concern that often arises during outdoor activities is the risk of insect stings. Bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and other stinging insects can pose a threat to curious kids exploring their surroundings. In this blog post, we’ll discuss essential tips on…
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Hornets, Bees, and Wasps: Know the Differences for Safe Removal

As the weather heats up in spring and summer, it is common for Massachusetts residents to find uninvited buzzing guests in their backyards. Hornets, bees, and wasps all pose a potential threat to their human neighbors–especially if one of those neighbors is allergic. While these creatures are vital to our natural ecosystem, they can be…
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A close up view of a hornet's nest with yellow jackets and larva.

How to Keep Wasps and Bees from Nesting on Your House

Backyard BBQs, graduations, and outdoor celebrations are meant to be enjoyed without the intrusion of wasps, bees, or hornets. While these insects have their benefits, their presence can quickly turn a pleasant gathering into a distressing experience. The Bee Hunter of Massachusetts understands the importance of safety and peace during your outdoor activities and provides…
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How to Identify & Get Rid of Hornets

When it comes to stinging insects, hornets can be particularly formidable and aggressive. Recognizing and addressing a hornet infestation promptly is crucial to maintaining a safe environment. In this blog post, we will provide valuable insights on how to identify hornets, locate their nests, and effectively eliminate them. As specialists in bee, hornet, wasp, and…
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Carpenter bee enters it's nest in a wood post

Are Carpenter Bees Destroying My House?

Battling Carpenter Bees: Protecting Your Home’s Aesthetics and Structure Carpenter bees are solitary bees that can be found throughout the United States. They typically measure between ½ to 1 inch in length. They are often confused with bumblebees due to their similar size and appearance. The main difference is carpenter bees have shiny, hairless abdomens,…
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Why Bee Extermination is Problematic Bee extermination can negatively impact our environment and ecosystems.

Honeybee Relocation vs Extermination: What You Need to Know About Bee Exterminators

Honeybees are an essential part of our ecosystem and play a vital role in pollinating our crops and plants. However, sometimes honeybees can become a nuisance, especially when they decide to build their hives in or near our homes. When this happens, many people turn to bee exterminators to solve the problem. But before you…
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